Employ a code reader

Utilize an automobile code reader to identify vehicle issues without visiting a mechanic. Simply connect it to the computer system of the vehicle, then analyze the error code readout to determine any repairs that may be required. Learn how to decipher a code reader here. Do check out these promo codes

Switch Out the Wiper Blades

When it’s time to replace your windshield wipers, turn on the washer and see if they’re wiping cleanly. To get better rubber wipes, UV protection, and a longer lifespan, avoid using budget blades and choose name brands like ANCO, Trico, or Bosch instead. To avoid the wiper blade scratching the windshield, adhere to the installation guidelines and maintain a tight grip on the wiper arm.

Repair Your ‘Tuck-Under’ Spare Tire Lift Right Away!

To access your spare set when you need it, relax and grease a corroded spare tire lift. See how to maintain the spare tire lift so you can access the tire when necessary.

 Clean the EGR valve to eliminate a rough idle

Rusty idle? To turn a loud idle into a peaceful hum, your EGR valve may just need a thorough dousing with throttle assembly cleaner to return to nearly mint condition. Follow these steps to clean an EGR valve for one of the simpler auto repairs.

 How to Repair a Leaky Valve Cover Gasket

A 4-cylinder engine’s leaking gasket cover may be fixed cheaply and quickly for about $25. Here, we demonstrate how to repair a leaking gasket.

 Sway bar terminal links must be changed

Iterative testing is required to find the cause of a clunk when a bump is encountered. Using a special tool, begin with the stabilizer bushings and go on to the bar end links. See how to swap out sway bar joints and how much it costs to find out that it is considerably less expensive than you would imagine.

 How to Fix a Dim Headlight

Simply cleaning the ground connection will make dim headlights brighter. Apply some dielectric grease after that. If you see a gray or brown coating on the inside of the glass, you might also change the bulb.

Change the headlights

The time it takes to set up the bulbs is longer than the time you can spend browsing for them. The options are overwhelming. Comparisons are challenging due to the various misleading names that each bulb manufacturer uses for each design.

Unstick a Power Antenna

Replace a burned-out motor, damaged cable, or broken mast to free up a trapped power antenna. Both tasks may be completed in roughly two hours, saving you the $50 to $100 dealer service charge. An antenna wrench is the only special tool you require.

Repair a Horn Issue

A simple fused circuit can be used to identify the source of a faulty horn. Fixes are frequently quick and affordable. View this page to learn how to mend an automobile horn.